On Tuesday 27th February and Wednesday 28th February 2018, Accra will host government officials, local governance experts, and civil society groups from the West African sub region in the 1st Social Accountability Multi Stakeholder Forum at the Alisa Hotel, Accra.
Under the theme, ‘Institutionalizing Social Accountability in Local Governance: the Successes, Gaps and the Way Forward’, the forum aims at creating a knowledge and information sharing platform for best practices on both supply and demand side accountability initiatives in Ghana and Africa.
Globally and nationally, efforts at mainstreaming citizens’ engagement and feedback within the service delivery and governance process have been initiated. In this regard, Civil Society Organisations have collaborated with government in diverse ways to implement a number of accountability projects in which citizen feedback is used to solve fundamental development challenges and to strengthen the performance of public institutions and service delivery, especially at the local level.
Some of these projects have contributed to strengthening citizens’ voice for demand for accountability and improved service delivery.
This forum comes at a critical time for those of us working to ensure that people continue to have a role and a voice in service delivery. As we see spaces for civic engagement shrinking around the world, there is an increasing need to build our understanding of “what works” – and how to design better approaches and improve on existing ones to increase citizen participation and empowerment for better health, education, resource utilization, agriculture, and overall development of communities and districts in Ghana. It aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 16 and focuses attention on the role of citizen action in building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.
The Forum is jointly organised by CDD Ghana, Penplusbytes, SEND Ghana and the Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition. The Senior Minster, Hon. Yaw Osafo Marfo, will deliver the key note address.
The event forms part of projects sponsored by the Global Partnership for Social Accountability of the World Bank and Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA).