Having successfully partnered with Making All Voices Count (MAVC) in delivering some diverse and innovative projects over the years, Penplusbytes will participate in a day’s learning and inspiration event on 24th January 2017 at Cleaver House in Accra.
This event, focusing on “Technology for Inclusive, Transparent and Responsive Governance in Ghana,” is expected to bring together a wide range of participants, including MAVC grantees – present and past, potential grantees, and experts in transparency, accountability, and technology to review and learn from the current state of evidence and experience in research and practice, and to identify priority areas for future learning.
Making All Voices Count (MAVC) is a global citizen engagement and accountable governance programme funded by USAID, DFID, Sida and the Omidyar Network which contributes to fighting corruption and empowering citizens. Its aim is to harness the transformative potential of unusual partnerships and innovative applications of communication technology to contribute to fundamental change in the relationship citizens have with the State.
Ghana remains one of MAVC’s focal countries, making over 15 grants with various projects and grantees including “Oil Journey – Following the money from oil revenue to development” currently being implemented by Infosol Technologies Limited.
In 2016, Penplusbytes, with support from MAVC, rolled out the “Grassroots Open Government Using New Digital Technologies” project to enhance communication and information sharing between citizens and the local government in two districts in Ghana (Tamale Metropolitan Assembly in the Northern Region and Dangbe (Ada) East District Assembly in the Greater Accra Region) on issues of public service delivery especially in health, education and sanitation using a collaborative and integrated approach that included digital tools and face-to-face interventions such as public forums and community radio.
Penplusbytes is therefore expected to share its own intelligent summary of some of its projects under this theme including key successes, challenges, lessons, learning and partnership opportunities. “We will use the platform provided to reflect on and share our own experiences and interact with the knowledge and experiences of other researchers and practitioners working on issues of governance and technology,” says Jerry Sam, Director of Programmes at Penplusbytes.
This Learning and Inspiration Event forms part of MAVC’s own research and learning process which has, in the past, included review of literature and experiential evidence and a facilitated e-Dialogue. The one-day event will also enable participants to develop new relationships with others working on these issues, and offer space for reflection on the evidence that exists as they embark on new initiatives supported by MAVC.
Penplusbytes is a not-for-profit organization driving change through innovations in three key areas: using new digital technologies to enable good governance and accountability, new media and innovations, and driving oversight for effective utilisation of mining, oil and gas revenue and resources.
Making All Voices Count (MAVC) is an international initiative that contributes towards effective governance and accountability by enabling citizen engagement and open, responsive government in 12 countries in Africa and Asia.