In order to help journalists grow in the newsroom, while ensuring they improve on the quality of journalism using new digital technologies, Penplusbytes invite you to join our innovative online networking platforms.
The starting point is our mailing list This list is designed as an information and knowledge sharing online discussion space. If you need new ideas, support, information, tips and skills, you can turn to Penplusbytes list.
Currently, and with about 1,000 members spread over 60 countries, the mailing list remains a key information and knowledge resource center supporting the growth of journalists interested in new digital technologies.
Apart from Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, you can as well join our dedicated social media platform at, connecting you with other key professionals across the globe.
As a leader in using new digital technologies to enable good governance and transparency, we have launched a number of projects including the African Elections Project (AEP) (AEP on Facebook, AEP twitter and AEP LinkedIn group) to cover elections on the continent using new digital technologies, Citizens’ budget, Connecting citizens to Parliament (on Facebook and Twitter) and Civil Society platform on IMF bailout (CS Platform Ghana on Facebook and @csplatformghana on Twitter) to enable citizens to contribute to and monitor IMF bailout programme for Ghana
In order to support good governance of oil, gas and mining (extractives sector) resources and revenues on the continent, Penplusbytes provide capacity building for journalists in Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania and Liberia so that they can provide better oversight of oil, gas and mining revenue. Follow us on twitter, Facebook and visit website for regular updates.
With over 13 years of experience in the areas of governance and accountability; new media and innovations and oil, gas and mining, the International Institute of ICT Journalism, Penplusbytes, is your key partner for cutting edge journalism and ensuring democracy in Africa delivers better dividends for its citizens.
Established in 2001, Penplusbytes is a leading organization in Africa working in 3 areas: governance and accountability, new media and innovations as well as oil, gas and mining.