The Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition (GACC) is a unique cross-sectoral grouping of eight (8) public, private and civil society organizations (CSOs) with a focus on promoting good governance and fighting corruption in Ghana. The Coalition’s major areas of operation include; research and advocacy, public sensitization and mobilization, training and capacity building, monitoring and evaluation as well as social accountability. GACC’s activities over the years have been guided by strategic plans until December 2015 when the last strategy expired.
The Coalition is therefore calling for expressions of interest in the review of its strategy. The purpose of the review is to support GACC in its assessment of the last strategy. The review exercise will unpack the current strategy by analysing and assessing areas of the strategy with GACC and its stakeholders (internal and external). This will then feed into and support GACC to revise and develop its new strategy (2017 – 2022).
The objectives of the Review are:
- To assess the GACC Strategy
- Compare the strategy to actual implementation and interrogate variance, if any
- To identify its strengths and weaknesses
- To provide recommendations and TOR for a new Strategy.
The primary users of this assignment will be GACC staff, GACC Board and its members.
Some review questions for the Strategy Review are as follows (but not exclusive):
- What is GACC mission, mandate and how is it currently being delivered?
- What are GACC’s strengths?
- What are GACC’s weaknesses?
- Where does GACC sit in the anti-corruption context of Ghana? Who are the other players and what is GACC’s added value?
- How can GACC become more effective and efficient?
The consultancy will be carried out between in June 2017 and finalised in July 2017.
The methodology proposed from the consultant(s) will need to be simple and effective considering a combination of:
- Interviews (one on one, focus group) with key stakeholders
- Document review and analysis of key findings aligned with the review questions. The analysis will support interview approach and questions.
The consultant(s) must have a combination of evaluative and assessment skills, along with organisational and strategy development experience. Experience in the field of governance and/or civil society work will be considered a plus.
In June, the following activities should have taken place: consultant meetings with GACC, review of key documents, summary analysis of document findings in relation to the above review questions, hold key interviews with GACC stakeholders and presentation to GACC on the preliminary findings. Final report should be submitted no later than Friday July 28th, 2017.
GACC will review all Expressions of Interest based technical experience to deliver, time-frame and methodology and financial proposal.
Interested consultant(s) are to send a 4 page Expression of Interest (with CVs annexed) considering the following:
- Understanding of the assignment
- Consultant(s) experience to undertake the assignment
- Methodology / Approach
- Timeframe
- Budget
- CVs.
No later than 23rd June 2017 to